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Level : 2

Lines : 25

Score : 2.232.245

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Move and rotate the blocks with your arrow keys.


Make as many lines as possible 1=50, 2=125, 3=250, 4=500.

block-1 block-2 block-3 block-4 block-5 block-6 block-7 block-8 block-9 block-10 block-11 block-12 block-13 block-14 block-15 block-16

Each block has an individual score.

score multiplier

The higher the blocks are placed, the more points they earn you.
The playfield is divided by 3 so: at the bottom you get a normal
score, in the middle double score and at the top triple score.

Facebook and twitter shares

When you login with Facebook scores will be posted
to Facebook to compare with your friends.
Try to beat the highscores and get first place to impress your friends!
With the sharing buttons at the end of the game
you can post your score on your wall or tweet them.

When you have no facebook

You can also play for fun without when you have no facebook.

Who are you?

I have no facebook
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First Place badge Second Place badge Third Place badge


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